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The MarcDown Report

Obama Speaks to Students

After reading the speech Obama gave to students across the country this afternoon, I’m blown away at the uproar over this event. If anything, I’m surprised there was not more positive feedback in the media over the speech. I loved his challenge to students to take personal responsibility for their own education and his statement that bad circumstances in life is no excuse for not giving one’s best effort. This level of accountability is thoroughly needed in the educational system, from students as well as teachers, administrators and parents.

Before the contents of the speech came out yesterday, I could see some hesitation by parents who have strong disagreements with Mr. Obama’s belief system. I don’t agree with him on many/most economic issues and would not want him speaking to children in an attempt to further his political agenda. However, this speech was a non-partisan speech intended to motivate a generation of students. On this front, I think Obama can offer us something we’ve never had as a country before, a young, minority individual, who grew up in less than ideal conditions from a lower point on the socio-economic ladder. His words can have a significant positive impact on many students that can relate to him, irrespective of the individual students’ background. We need that in this country.

Hopefully the contents of the actual discussion will stop some of the controversy. This country needs a greater sense of personal responsibility and I hope Obama’s speech today is a step in the right direction with America’s youth.

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